Welcome to TCFCO
Our purpose is to follow Jesus and fulfill His commandment to love one another and to authentically represent Christ to the world.
John 13: 34-35 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
We meet every Saturday at 4:30 PM MT
Contact: connect@tcfco.org
Bible Study Blogs
Beyond Religious Divide and Practices
1. Takes Questions and Arguments Seriously “It is no wonder that the women were first at the Cradle and last at the Cross. They had never known a man like this Man… A prophet and teacher who never nagged at them, never flattered or coaxed or patronised; who never made
Faith, Meaning, Purpose
Faith is not the belief that God will remove all our problems in this world, necessarily (2 Corinthians 12:9). Faith is the determination and willingness to maximally grow or stay in truth, love, goodness, justice, fairness, kindness, generosity, trustworthiness, self-control, sacrifice, empowering others, etc. It’s the realization/acknowledgment that all these
Faith: Empower or Control
1. Faith: Misused Word Faith is a misused and abused word. A good way to separate good faith from bad is to see if it empowers or controls. Good faith empowers, liberates, and sets you free (“Truth will set you free” – Jesus in John 18:32). A misuse of faith
Where Your Treasure Is
1. What Is Treasures in Heaven? Jesus referred to the phrase “treasures in heaven” on a few occasions. How we may understand the phrase? Anything that you do just for yourself is storing treasure for yourself. Anything that is done to empower/bless/serve others is storing treasures in heaven. As the