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Verse of the Day

Welcome to TCFCO

Our purpose is to follow Jesus and fulfill His commandment to love one another and to authentically represent Christ to the world.

John 13: 34-35 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

We meet every Saturday at 4:30 PM MT

South Holly Church, 7101 South Holly Street Centennial, CO 80122

Bible Study Blogs

  • Labor Day & God's First Commandment

    Labor Day Message: God’s First Commandment

    1. Dignity of Labor and God’s First Commandment On Labor Day we celebrate the value and dignity of work. It is worth noting that the first commandment that God gave to humanity before the fall, is to work! Genesis 2:15 – “The LORD God took the man and put him

  • Sustaining Relationships

    1. It is All About Relationships Jesus summed up the entire law as “Love God .. love neighbor” (Matthew 22:36-40). So we know that it is all about relationships. Yet, we see broken relationships all around us – in our families, offices, churches, social groups. It is sometimes convenient to

  • Faith: Empower or Control

    1. Faith: Misused Word Faith is a misused and abused word. A good way to separate good faith from bad is to see if it empowers or controls. Good faith empowers, liberates, and sets you free (“Truth will set you free” – Jesus in John 18:32). A misuse of faith

  • How Long, Lord?

    How Long, Lord?

    1. Leadership in Our Sphere of Influence “Everyone is a leader because everyone influences someone.”, said John C. Maxwell. When I was at IBM, the head of our AT&T client account used to say, “Leadership can be summed up in two sentences: When you are in charge, take charge. And

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