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Welcome to TCFCO

Our purpose is to follow Jesus and fulfill His commandment to love one another and to authentically represent Christ to the world.

John 13: 34-35 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

We meet every Saturday at 4:30 PM MT

Contact: connect@tcfco.org

Bible Study Blogs

  • United in Death like His

    United in a (Life And) Death Like His

    1. Dangerously Empowering Jesus stood toe-to-toe with the bullies and exposed the hypocrisy of the religious leaders who had the political influence to torture and kill. On the other hand, he was empowering/liberating the common people (and the victims of the bullies – which threatened the religious careers of the

  • Ephesians 1-3: Greatest Gift from the Greatest Being

    1. The Great Reach Out As discussed in the Ephesians introduction and outline, the book of Ephesians divides nicely into two sections. The first three chapters are the theological or doctrinal section. It is about our position in Christ and what God has done for us on our behalf. The

  • All That Is Good And True

    Source of All That Is Good and True

    1. Philosophy Is Everybody’s Business Mortimer Adler said, “Philosophy is everybody’s business!”. When we were children, we wondered about the basic questions of life, like “Why does anything exists at all? Where did the universe come from? and so on. 1.1 Philosophical Choices in Life As we grow older, many

  • Waiting on the Lord Patiently

    Waiting on the Lord Patiently

    1. Waiting – A Negative Connotation? An old Indian song warns us not to be fooled into waiting on the false hopes that someday, someone will come and improve their lives – the reference is to some self-serving and deceptive politicians and religious leaders who are out there just to

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