HITHA - PG Diploma in Women's Ministry

Sis. Santha Kumari Merigala (Mondithoka) who spoke at TCFCO Women's Christmas 2020 teaches at HITHA (Hyderabad Institute of Theology and Apologetics).

She has a passion to equip and train women for ministry (focussing on Biblical womanhood/wifehood/motherhood). She has designed a course for that (PG Diploma in Women's Ministry).

This year the course is offered online (including from USA). The classes are every Saturday 7-9:30 PM (India Time) which is Saturday from 6:30 AM to 9 AM Mountain Time. Weekly once for 9 Months. Starts from the second week of January (January 9th, 2021).

Details about the course - curriculum, rationale, course description, modules, textbooks, etc can be found in this document: HITHA- WIM-2020

It is a 20 Credit hour Programme. With ATA (Asia Theological Association) Accreditation. Teaching is in Telugu and English (the ppts/notes etc in English. The cost is about $25 per credit (USA) or Rupees 1050/- per credit (India). Payments can be done in three parts/terms.

50% of the Syllabus will be covered by Sis. Santha Kumari The other 50% by four other HITHA Faculty including Sudhakar Mondithoka.

Last year, 75 women were equipped for Women's ministry through this course.

Video/Testimonials on HITHA.

The flyer telling the mission of the course and the graduation photos can be seen here:


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