0 All Booked All Booked All Booked 1319 TCF Outing! (Call/Text 303-596-5029 if interested) https://www.tcfco.org/event/tcfco-outing-may-2019/?event_date=2025-02-15&reg=1 https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr 2025-02-15

TCF Outing! (Call/Text 303-596-5029 if interested)

2025-02-15 00:00 2025-02-15 00:00 America/Denver TCF Outing! (Call/Text 303-596-5029 if interested)

We will not be having our regular TCF service this Saturday. Instead, we will be going for an outing for the long weekend. Call/Text 303-596-5029 if interested to join.

We will not be having our regular TCF service this Saturday. Instead, we will be going for an outing for the long weekend.

Call/Text 303-596-5029 if interested to join.